Superstar Series


At Grady Development, we are always looking for new and exciting challenges to showcase our skills and creativity. That's why we were thrilled to work on the Superstar Series project, a discord bot that revolutionized the way Rocket League tournaments are organized and managed.

Device mockups of Superstar Series

The Superstar Series bot was designed for a client who wanted to create a competitive and engaging environment for Rocket League players of all skill levels. The bot handled reporting, and validation of matches. It also collected and analyzed data from every game, such as goals, assists, saves, shots, and more.

But that's not all. The bot also integrated seamlessly with a website that displayed the divisions, teams, matches, games, and stats for every game in the tournament. Players could easily access their own profiles, check their standings, view their opponents, and watch replays of their games. The website also featured a live stream of the matches, with commentary and highlights.

The Superstar Series bot was not only functional, but also profitable. The bot offered additional features that users could opt into if they subscribed to a premium plan. These features included team comparison, which allowed users to see how their team stacked up against other teams in their division, and personalized reports, which gave users detailed feedback on their performance and areas of improvement.

The Superstar Series project was a huge success, both for our client and for us. We received positive feedback from the users, who praised the bot for its ease of use, reliability, and fun factor. We also learned a lot from this project, such as how to work with Discord APIs, how to process and visualize large amounts of data, and how to create a user-friendly interface.

We are proud of what we accomplished with the Superstar Series project, and we look forward to working on more projects like this in the future. If you are interested in hiring us for your next project, please contact us. We would love to hear from you!