
UI/UX Design

Adam Grady August 21, 2022


User Experience

User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) is taken very seriously at Grady Development. We know that these concepts will make or break a good application. Because these concepts are critical, your project made by us will consider UX first and foremost, before any sort of development starts.

This prioritization ensures that you are satisfied with the design before delving into code and racking up costs to change and modify the interface.

Material Design

Not only does Grady Development ensure that you are satisfied with the design, but also that the user will feel comfortable using the application utilizing intuitive design elements. We follow Google's Material Design guidelines so that your application will feel familiar to the user.



Accessibility is a major consideration by Grady Development as well. All our websites are rigorously tested to ensure that all accessibility guidelines are followed, and every user will be able to utilize the application. This not only benefits users that need these features, but also you as well as your site will rank higher on search engines if your application meets accessibility requirements.